I’m going to do it. I’ve asked the comic shop to pick up all 52 issues of the new DC reboot. Some I wouldn’t normally consider, others I’m kind of looking forward to reading. Here’s my first thoughts on what I hope will be a fun ride.
Titles I’m looking forward to:
Batwoman #1 - With the art of J.H. Williams III, if nothing else, I can look at the pretty pictures without reading the dialog.
Justice League Dark #1 - Combining all the supernatural DC characters that get little coverage, I’m hoping this one will be a page turner.
Voodoo #1 - Ron Marz is a name that keeps popping up in books that I’ve liked. I’m curious to see how they will take an unknown character into an ongoing series.
Frankenstein: Agent of S.H.A.D.E. #1 - After discovering Jeff Lemire with his book Sweet Tooth, I’ve become a big fan of his and will pickup pretty much anything he does.
Titles I normally wouldn’t get:
The anciallary Batman titles like Red Hood and the Outlaws #1, and Nightwing #1.
All the Green Lantern books since I find the character kind of silly. Green Lantern #1, Green Lantern Corps #1, Green Lantern: New Guardians #1 and Red Lanterns #1.
Mister Terrific #1 - The third smartest man in the world advocating fair play for everyone? Is this really a comic?
Hawk and Dove #1 - Art and cover by Rob Liefeld...
Titles that could be meat/could be cake:
Green Arrow #1 - I’ve like the Mike Grell Green Arrow from the 80s. But Green Arrow has gone though a bunch of shit since then that I don’t know about. But with art by Dan Jurgens and George Pèrez, I’ll be interested in seeing this book.
All Star Western #1 - I normally don’t buy western comics, but that’s because I never really had a good place to start. I actually really like them.
So each week when I get a stack of new DC books, I’ll read them first and try to say something about them before the following weeks books come.
Titles I’m looking forward to:
Batwoman #1 - With the art of J.H. Williams III, if nothing else, I can look at the pretty pictures without reading the dialog.
Justice League Dark #1 - Combining all the supernatural DC characters that get little coverage, I’m hoping this one will be a page turner.
Voodoo #1 - Ron Marz is a name that keeps popping up in books that I’ve liked. I’m curious to see how they will take an unknown character into an ongoing series.
Frankenstein: Agent of S.H.A.D.E. #1 - After discovering Jeff Lemire with his book Sweet Tooth, I’ve become a big fan of his and will pickup pretty much anything he does.
Titles I normally wouldn’t get:
The anciallary Batman titles like Red Hood and the Outlaws #1, and Nightwing #1.
All the Green Lantern books since I find the character kind of silly. Green Lantern #1, Green Lantern Corps #1, Green Lantern: New Guardians #1 and Red Lanterns #1.
Mister Terrific #1 - The third smartest man in the world advocating fair play for everyone? Is this really a comic?
Hawk and Dove #1 - Art and cover by Rob Liefeld...
Titles that could be meat/could be cake:
Green Arrow #1 - I’ve like the Mike Grell Green Arrow from the 80s. But Green Arrow has gone though a bunch of shit since then that I don’t know about. But with art by Dan Jurgens and George Pèrez, I’ll be interested in seeing this book.
All Star Western #1 - I normally don’t buy western comics, but that’s because I never really had a good place to start. I actually really like them.
So each week when I get a stack of new DC books, I’ll read them first and try to say something about them before the following weeks books come.