Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Top of the Pile - 4/10/2013

Saga #12
Written by Brian K. Vaughan
Art by Fiona Staples
Image Comics

As I mentioned briefly last post, this book was to be banned from the Apple online store due to some graphic content. But I guess that didn’t come to pass. Regardless, I put this book on the top of the purchase pile because its one of the best comics being produced. Initially, I guess the problem with Apple stems from a couple of homoerotic images that appear on the first couple pages. But other than the gay sex, this book was one of the slower in the series so far with more exposition over action.

The basic plot of the book is that two soldiers from opposite sides fall in love and make a child. This causes tons of repercussions on both sides of the conflict and the young family is on the run. And as a space opera, as I mentioned, its one of the best in comic book form. Brian K. Vaughan throws tons of characters at us and all of them are bonkers in some way. Royalty that have CRT heads? Spaceships made out of wood? Cyclops romance writers? It’s all really out there if you think about it too much. And the art by Fiona Staples is wonderful. When I look at the art in a comic, if it doesn’t help the narrative, then it takes longer for me to read. With this book, it’s a pretty quick read, but then I go back and examine the art again for the extra details. I don’t do that for many books, but with Fiona’s work though not as detailed and baroque as some artists, it is worth extra examination time.

As for picking this up for a library, I would get it. In fact, we have the first volume of the trade in, but it has only checked out once. Certainly there are mature themes and language, but after Walking Dead, it seems to be the indie comic of the moment.

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