Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Top of the Pile - 7/3/2014

Uncanny X-Men #23 and #24
Writer: Brian Michael Bendis
Artist: Kris Anka
Marvel Comics

The very provocative, minimal cover is what made me put this on the top of my pile this week. I’ve been behind picking up by stack from the comic shop (with Comic Con and everything) so officially issue 23 came out a couple weeks ago and 24 today, which was good since it ended in a big cliffhanger.

In these issues, the main plotline involved the reading of Charles Xavier’s will. With the first couple pages showing the resident Marvel lawyer who isn’t Matt Murdock, Jennifer Walters (She Hulk), to preside over the reading of the last will and testament of Prof. X. But of course all the people named in the will need to be present, and since the whole breakup of the mutant clan and Cyclops on the outs from pretty much everyone else, that is there the tension in these book lay.

Other story threads include the emergence of a new mutant and the hunt for Mystique after she held Dazzler captive. Bendis is great at keeping all the crazy super stuff within a human mentality. Consequently, the most ridiculous situations still seem “normal”. People are sad, upset, angry, confused at the reading of the will, like any family member would be after losing a loved one. This touch makes Bendis’ writing always interesting.

And for Anka’s art. It is very good. I initially picked up this book for the work of Chris Bachalo, but Anka has a similar style. Bold lines, broad colors,, clear action, it was easy on the eyes and exciting to look at.

For adding this series to a library. with ongoing books that is always a tough call. Like genre novels in a series, where does one start and stop the collection? Subject wise, it’s fine for any graphic novel area in a public library. But again, if it’s popular, fans might ask for the entire run in trade paperback.

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