Since we’re coming into a new year, I’m going to try and post weekly as I pick up my subs each week. Call it a resolution…
Black Magick is a police story set in contemporary times. Rowan Black is a detective who works robbery/homicide, but also has magical powers which she keeps hidden from her work colleagues. By this third issue, we find that Rowan is being targeted by some other unknown magic group. The plot is moving along at a good clip as elements are moving into place to cause Rowan all types of trouble in later issues.
But as I mentioned, it was the artwork that compelled me to put this book on the top of my pile. Scott uses an almost grey palette with just a touch of color to highlight magical elements, which is pretty unique in the comics world. Also, she uses some really dynamic angles to best portray emotions. And best of all, there was a multi-page section without dialog where Rowan sets up some magical wards on her home. With fantastic detail, this section was a joy to look at.
The other books I picked up this week were:
The Wicked + Divine #17
Tokyo Ghost #4
Morning Glories #49
James Bond #3
Wonder Woman #47
All-New Wolverine #3
Nova #3
Daredevil #2
Might Thor #2
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