Thursday, January 28, 2016

Top of the Pile 1/27/2016

The comic that made it to the top of my pile this week was Old Man Logan #1. Marvel is doing the “All-New All-Different” thing after the extended Secret Wars shakeup. And with Old Man Logan, what was a stand alone story by Mark Millar and Steve McNiven now becomes a regular Marvel series.

Written by one of my favorite storytellers, Jeff Lemire, Old Man Logan is lifted from the Mark Millar world of desolation into the contemporary Marvel world. This makes it seem to be Logan’s past, since the people in the Millar world who are dead are still alive in the Marvel world. And events that destroyed the civilizations in the Millar world haven’t happened in the Marvel world. Confused? Yeah, me too.

But I trust Jeff Lemire. He is great at telling time travel stories. (Check out his book Trillium) And he doesn’t skimp on the wild nature of Logan. Indeed, the title of this story is “Berserker”. Old Man Logan, once he believes he is in his past and can correct the future, immediately makes a list of people to kill to ensure that his bleak future doesn’t come to pass.

The artwork is by Andrea Sorrentino and it is really good. Not a typical “Marvel” style, he uses softer colors and a lot more shadows. We don’t really see Logan’s full face with it mostly concealed in darkness. The fight sequences are highlighted with sound effects, which makes them feel more kinetic. And though his expressions are subtle in a realistic style, his figures are really nice and substantive.

I’ll tell my comic shop owner to add Old Man Logan to my sub and when it get collected into a trade, I’ll let our teen librarian know it’s something we might want to pick up for the library.

Otherwise, it was a large week for me.
Batman #48
Deadpool #6
Wonder Woman #48
Angela: Queen of Hel #4
Black Magick #4
Chew #54
Monstress #3
The Legend of Wonder Woman #1
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #3

Saga #33

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