One of the most entertaining ongoing series I'm picking up. Just imagine a fucked up JLA while reading this title.
Casanova #4
Last part of a mini-series. It's strange but not too out there.
Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne #5
I guess this is going to be one of those universe spanning events. Since I get most Bat books, I'm getting this limited series also.
Ultimate Comics New Ultimates #4
Not too much interested in the Ultimate line. Getting this for the Frank Cho artwork.
X-23 #2
Marjorie Liu impressed me with the Black Widow book she initiated. But after 5 issues stopped and started writing X-23.
Deadpool #28
I started picking up Deadpool because I liked what the writer Daniel Way was doing with Wolverine. But I'm getting a little tired of it.
Batman and Robin #15
Grant Morrison is telling tales within tales with this Bat book. I always find it interesting and usually have to go over it a couple times.
Sweet Tooth #14
Post apocalyptic goodness with great characters and suspense. Another title I look forward to each month.
Daken: Dark Wolverine #2
A holdover from the Wolverine: Origins book. I'll give it a story arc and see if I want to continue picking it up.
Tales of the Dragon Guard: Into the Veil #2
Soleil dribbles out books every so often. I try and get each of them. Usually they have very good art and a story that's a little different than usual.
Morning Glories #3
I'm getting this one since the first issue with into 3 or 4 reprints. Haven't read any of them yet.
Orc Stain #5
Love the art. Highly detailed with clever designs, it's still worth picking up even though the story hasn't really kept my interest.
Warlord of Mars #1
It's a retelling of the John Carter books which I really like. We'll see if it's worthy.
New Avengers #5
I'm getting this for the first story arc. I plan on stopping it once its complete.
Dragon Age #5
Based on the video game and written by Orson Scott Card, I needed to get this book to see what its all about.
Valkyrie #1
The only reason I picked this one up was because of the cover.
S.H.I.E.L.D. #4
Convoluted, with long gaps between issues, I really don't understand this book. But if Galileo can beat off Galactus, I'm willing to keep getting this title.
The Thanos Imperative #5
The last vestige of the Annihilation storyline from 2006. After Nova, Guardians of the Galaxy, War of Kings and other cosmic Marvel books, I'm not stopping now.
Victorian Undead Special #1
The limited series where Sherlock Holmes beats up zombies in Victorian London was fun. Now I guess he takes on Mr. Hyde.

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