by Howard Chaykin
Image Comics
I know there are better books in the pile. The last issue of I Zombie came in. The Garth Ennis book Fury Max with all it’s cold war sexyness was in my stack. But I had to go with the most prurient book, Black Kiss II.
Black Kiss was a pornographic comic from 1988 which was something we talked about around the comic shop at the time it was released. And I guess it caused a little stir in the day. But being a young, free thinking man, I didn’t worry about.
Now almost 25 years later, he is writing what looks to be a prequel the original work. The story starts off in a magic nickelodeon in 1902. The audience, while watching a pornographic movie, devolves into a very hentai style tentacle rape scene. From there, the story continues 10 years later on the Titanic. We meet what seems to be the hero. He’s trying to lose his virginity to some loose hooker when the ship hits the iceberg. While escaping, he is grabbed by same tentacle raping being from the cinema and anally rapes this young virgin. After his violation, he finds his way to a rescue boat and the book ends.
Obviously, this is not a book for most people (young and old alike). At the Comic Con, I attended a Buck Rogers panel where Chaykin was presenting. He admits that he is a style and brand all his own. With his name on the cover, you know what you’re going to get. Some racial and ethnic slurs. Images of ties flying to the side. Curly hair. Garters and stockings with the seam down the back. And this has all that with the full frontal too. I wouldn’t call this single issue good, but it is different enough with the deviant subject matter to keep me hopefully interested for the remaining 5 issues of the limited series. But I can pretty much guarantee that issue number 2 will not be the top of the pile when its released.
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