Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Review - Ah My Buddha - Vol. 1

This is an older review I wrote April 6th, 2009.

Ah My Buddha - The Aroused One Vol. #1
Volume: DVD 1 / 6
Running time: 100
Distributor: Media Blasters

I first experienced this series a couple years ago when I downloaded from bittorrent this show but never got around to watch it on my computer. I heard it was rather ecchi so I wanted to check it out.

This is the story about a temple where all the disciples are girls, except for Ikkou, the grandson of the master. Ikkou is a typical male lead in these harem type stories, not too bright, clumsy, and slightly pervy. But he has one hidden talent - when he sees one of his classmates naked, he becomes a super-priest, reciting sutras like the most enlightened monk ever.

Ah My Buddha is not one of the most profound anime produced. It's not even great for it's genre of ecchi comedy. But I found it enjoyable and will continue to pick up the rest of the volumes (when they are on sale.) The character design is clean and the girls all have their typical personalities and body types. Ikkou get the crap beat out of him a couple times each episode for doing stupid things. And there is an underlying story concerning the temple which is hinted at throughout the first episodes which I'm sure will be brought out more as the series progresses.

This show is hard to recommend, unless you like these types of shows. On one hand, there are better harem comedies out there with more fan service. But on the other hand, if you like the harem comedy, this hits all the cliche plot point we all expect. However much I might personally enjoy shows like this, I would never pick it up for the library. With too many nosebleeds and extreme jiggling, if any angry parent challenged this, I would be hard pressed to justify it's artistic merits.

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